Sibre on the expansion path
NewsGermany’s SIBRE expands its product range and network with a new facility in Kolkata for drum brakes and a new rail clamp design ready for launch.
Germany-based brake supplier Pintsch- Bamag has recently introduced a new electronic brake control unit (BCU 2001) which dispenses with the need for microswitches or proximity switches inside the brake itself for monitoring brake functions and wear indication. There is also no need for a signal cable from the brake to the control panel.
Following some customer tests with Hessenoordnatie (HNN) in Antwerp on an existing crane, the first new crane reference is the gantry travel brakes of two Reggiane container cranes being supplied to HNN’s Nooordzee terminal, which are each fitted with 24 gantry motor brakes. The control cabinet of each crane, therefore, includes 24 BCUs connected to the brakes with two power cables.
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