Hamburg looks to Vietnam

The Port of Hamburg expects to benefit from the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement....

Hamburg proposal

European Metal Recycling GmbH (EMR), an affiliate of Europeā€™s biggest recycling firm, based in the UK, has come up with some ideas for uti...

Elbe – Hamburg clears final hurdle?

Germany’s highest civil court in Leipzig has rejected the last legal actions against the Elbe fairway widening and deepening project....

Hamburg welcomes latest Elbe judgement

Germany's highest civil court has rejected claims by riparian town councils and commercial fishing interests that the Elbe deepening project...

Barging more in Hamburg

HHLA has reported that its affiliate CTD Container-Transport-Dienst is increasingly using barges to transfer containers between the port's c...

Konecranes Gottwald Li-ion AGVs

25 Konecranes Gottwald AGVs with Li-ion battery drives will be supplied to HHLA's Container Terminal Altenwerder, Hamburg. Separately, Konec...

Hamburg up by 1.7% in Q1 2017

Overall throughput increased to 35.4 Mt, "slightly above the average 1.6% for the other major North Range ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Br...

Remote reefer monitoring for Steinweg

Identec Solutions has installed the first remote reefer monitoring system in the Port of Hamburg at the C. Steinweg multipurpose terminal....

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