In support of the ultracapacitor

The Port Equipment Manufacturers Association has published a technical paper on the pros and cons of ultracapacitors....

iTerminals4.0 project results presented

iTerminals is an EU-funded project that has contributed to the testing and development of the communication standards and protocols develope...

PEMA supports MAGPIE

The Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) has expressed its support for the โ€˜MAGPIEโ€™ initiative. It sets out how innovation ca...

Kalmar scoops PEMA eco award

Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has been awarded first place in the PEMA Innovation Awards for two solutions focused on improving the eco-efficien...

Shipping lines move ahead on standards

New standards group headed by carriers is taking a much more direct approach to IT standards than a similar initiative from port equipment m...

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