More Cemat cabotage


Through its specially created daughter company Combimare, Italian UIRR operator Cemat has stepped up its involvement in Italian cabotage tra...

Bring Greek gifts to Sodert�lje

The decision of Greek ferry operator Attica Enterprises, to start Baltic Sea operations from Rostock (WorldCargo News, August 2000, p16) mar...

Fastship shapes up

Fastship Inc has announced an agreement with Conrail to buy part of its railyard and dormant shipping terminal in the Port Richmond area of ...

Centerm crane incident

In June, a serious incident occurred on the Fantuzzi-Reggiane container crane at the Centerm terminal in Vancouver, which is Fantuzzi-Reggia...

Beach Party

Pending confirmation of its lease agreement with Hanjin Shipping, the Port of Long Beach (POLB) will not place its order for 12 superpost-Pa...

Koper for Trieste?

Only one bid has been received by the Trieste Port Authority (APT) for the Molo VII container terminal, to succeed ECT International when it...

Gulf projects move forward

The US Gulf seaboard remains a "hot area" for a number of ambitious and, in some cases, somewhat speculative, port expansion projects...

HK toughens safety laws

Tougher safety guidelines are being introduced for Hong Kong's 10,000 stevedores after a study estimated that 120 would die in accidents ove...

Pallman proposes split

According to a leading German newspaper, Handelsblatt, the Pallman Commission set up by the federal German transport ministry to review the ...

San Diego box plan

The Port of San Diego, CA has announced plans to fashion a two-berth container terminal at the northern end of its Tenth Avenue Marine Termi...

Cork’s big spend

A number of new facilities, representing a total capital investment of �24.6 mill, have been formally commissioned at the Irish Port of Co...

Impsa delivers grab unloader

A 40 tonne (with grab) Panamax gantry grab crane built by Impsa has been delivered from its assembly site at Tampico, Mexico, to the Canadia...

Intermodal 2000 time

The need for cooperation between shippers, carriers and logistics service providers is the overall theme of this year's Intermodal 2000 conf...

SynchroNet adds lessors

In one of a number of new initiatives, SynchroNet Marine Inc has announced that container leasing companies can now join its Internet-based ...

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