Rail automation live in Australia
NewsQube commenced “normal automated operations” at the import/export terminal (IMEX) of the new Moorebank rail facility near Sydney in May and June this year.
Capacity reserves of the rail network in Europe are inadequate to sustain growth in rail-road combined transport, according to a recently published report from Kessel & Partner Consultants, Kombi-Consult and MVA for the UIC and the UIRR.
The study concentrates on east-west and north-south corridors in continental Europe. It does not include “peripheral” areas such as Scandinavia, Great Britain/Ireland, Greece/Balkans, etc, but takes into account the traffic to/ from them in the selected corridors (eg UK-Benelux-France/ Germany/Switzerland-Italy).
Read this item in full
This complete item is approximately 1475 words in length, and appeared in the November 2004 issue of WorldCargo News, on page 26. To access this issue download the PDF here.
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