Take out the bottlenecks


Capacity reserves of the rail network in Europe are inadequate to sustain growth in rail-road combined transport, according to a recently published report from Kessel & Partner Consultants, Kombi-Consult and MVA for the UIC and the UIRR.

The study concentrates on east-west and north-south corridors in continental Europe. It does not include “peripheral” areas such as Scandinavia, Great Britain/Ireland, Greece/Balkans, etc, but takes into account the traffic to/ from them in the selected corridors (eg UK-Benelux-France/ Germany/Switzerland-Italy).

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Take out the bottlenecks ‣ WorldCargo News

Take out the bottlenecks


Capacity reserves of the rail network in Europe are inadequate to sustain growth in rail-road combined transport, according to a recently published report from Kessel & Partner Consultants, Kombi-Consult and MVA for the UIC and the UIRR.

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