CargoBeamer doubles its cross-France piggy-back service
NewsAn innovative rail-based landbridge service down the spine of France is to double frequency on the back of demand from road operators.
An outline agreement has been reached to set up France’s second long distance “Autoroute Ferroviaire” service
Lorry-Rail has been in operation on the Perpignan-Luxembourg axis for more than two years and, in accordance with the original plan (see WorldCargo News , April 2007, p41), another service, dubbed Autoroute Ferroviaire Atlantique Eco-fret, will connect Mouguerre (Bayonne) with Brétigny (Paris).
Five regional governments have signed a protocol to put up E175.5M to develop the infrastructure, with a view to extending the service to Nord Pas de Calais (Lille-Dourges) and southward into Spain with a timeframe from 2010 to 2015.
It is hoped that by 2020 the service could be catering for 10 Mtpa of freight between Madrid and the British market over Dover.
Five wagon manufacturers have responded to a tender issued by the Ministry of Transport – Modalohr (the supplier of record for Lorry-Rail and the Lyon-Torino service), Cargo Beamer, AFR, ISU and Socofer.
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