5G demonstration in Latvia


Port of Riga hosts a maritime 5G demonstration conducted by Latvian mobile communications and technology company LMT....

APMT expands its footprint in Suape

APM Terminals (APMT) is to operate a new multipurpose general cargo and container in the northeastern Brazilian port of Suape, with operatio...

Nokia for Tacoma operator

Nokia has deployed a private wireless network for Husky Terminal and Stevedoring in the Port of Tacoma (WA), part of Northwest Seaport Allia...

5G goes live at the Port of Felixstowe

Hutchison Ports Europe’s Port of Felixstowe will deploy 5G technology and the IoT to facilitate remote crane control and predictive ma...

Qube gets 5G funding

Australia’s Qube has been awarded a A$2M grant to set up a 5G communications network at its new Moorebank Logistics Park (MLP) in southwes...

Le Havre starts roll-out of 5G

Navigation in the port area, maintenance dredging, management of the electricity grid and ship-shore communications are applications that ha...

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