Capital makes capital


The Capital Lease dry freight container fleet may now be under Textainer’s management following its sale to DVB Bank earlier this year (se...

Textainer tops 2M TEU

Already the world’s largest container lessor by fleet size, Textainer has crashed through the 2M TEU barrier by taking over the management...

Resale market remains strong

Demand for storage space in the US is at an all time high and is providing a ready market for second-hand container equipment. But some chal...

New player in box lease market

Xines Ltd, which has been active in the Chinese domestic container leasing sector for the past 12 months, has decided to launch itself on th...

ADAM makes further progress

The paint mask method of container decaling has now been available commercially for over a decade, but despite its proven cost saving and in...

Towards a new box industry association

Hamburg-based container lessor Capital Lease has launched an initiative to form a new container industry association aimed at providing a pl...

Reefer lessors riding a boom

The reefer leasing sector performed very strongly in 2003 and the good times look set to continue into 2004...

Capital ups box security

Responding to customer requests, Hamburg-based lessor Capital Lease has incorporated a number of additional security features into its dry f...

Lessors still on track for a good year

Despite some signs of a slight slowing in demand, the container leasing industry is still expecting to turn in a good performance for 2003...

Box funding on the increase

The continuing buoyancy of the global container shipping industry has kept demand for new box equipment strong and world container output lo...

Capital Intermodal

Rapidly growing international container lessor Capital Lease has ventured into the European domestic market with the formation of a wholly o...

Happy days are here again

Notwithstanding one major storm cloud gathering on the horizon, the outlook for the container leasing industry this year would appear extrem...

Market still tough for reefer lessors

The reefer leasing sector has continued to perform well, with no let up in demand in sight. However, it remains a risky business as capital ...

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