Personnel changes


Finance lease specialist Unitas Services (UK) Ltd has appointed Jonathan Harrison as chief operating officer, with responsibility for all of...

Carlisle record

Leading reefer lessor Carlisle Leasing ended 2002 with a record boost to its fleet size, according the company's latest data....

Market still tough for reefer lessors

The reefer leasing sector has continued to perform well, with no let up in demand in sight. However, it remains a risky business as capital ...

Reefer lessors face new freeze

Although the reefer leasing sector is performing better than the dry freight box market, it still faces a number of problems...

Leading lessors hold their own

GE SeaCo, continues to control the largest reefer fleet on operating lease by a sizeable margin. However, its count of 100,000 TEU has remai...

A lean year for box lessors

Confronted by the worst market downturn in over five years, container leasing companies have drastically cut their investment in new equipme...

Box financing – assessing the options

The current year may be far from dynamic for the container industry as a whole, but in one area at least the situation has remained buoyant....

Container lessors face new uncertainties

The year 2000 finally brought the long awaited upturn that had eluded container lessors during the preceding four years. However, the market...

Top names battle it out

The world's biggest reefer lessor is, by a long margin, GE SeaCo, as it currently controls over 100,000 TEU (equivalent to 58,000 units) on ...

Carrier chalks up 300,000 units

Carlisle Leasing was the recipient last month of the 300,000th container refrigeration unit to be built by Carrier Transicold. The event was...

Reefer lessors get back on track

Companies leasing integral reefer containers have experienced a significant upturn in business during the past 12-18 months, as the protract...

Lessors commit to record investment

Having seen a steady improvement in average utilisation and signs of a recovery in per diem rates, container lessors embarked on their large...