Key U-turn on gigaliners

The German federal state of Nordrhein Westfalen (NRW, North Rhine Westfalia) is dropping its objections to the 25.25m (3 TEU) gigaliner truc...

Look, Mum, no hands!

Germanyā€™s Cabinet has sanctioned a draft law from the federal Transport Ministry allowing handsfree autopilot driving of motor vehicles...

All-electric Mercedes-Benz truck

Daimler Trucks has developed the Mercedes-Benz Urban eTruck, powered exclusively by electric motor with onboard batteries...

Imperial Logistics sees the light

Imperial Logistics International general cargo road transport unit is introducing a new fleet of high strength, lightweight semi-trailers...

Gigaliner protest in Berlin

A protest against 25.25m long road trains ("gigaliners") in Germany has been held in the heart of Berlin, at the Brandenburg Gate...

Langendorf wins Innovation Prize

German trailer builder Langendorf has been awarded the Trailer Innovation Prize 2015 for the development of the insulated aluminium tipping ...

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