Advent eModal tackles drayage


Advent eModal has established an exclusive licence to commercialise Envio 360 drayage optimisation technology as part of its integrated plat...

Milos for TIMT Trieste

Genoa-based Circle SpA has signed another contract for its Milos terminal operating system (TOS)...

Milos for Livorno

Genoa-based Circle SpA has reported the commissioning of its Milos TOS suite at CILP Multipurpose Terminal, the port of Livorno operator tha...

INFORM to optimise Rotterdam CER

Optimisation software from INFORM will play a key role in the ambitious project to implement a central system for internal container logisti...

Making the case for AGVs

ST Engineering believes technology is at the point where more ports will see AGVs as a cost-effective horizontal transport solution that can...

Zeebrugge gets ready for 5G

Finland’s Nokia has completed the first phase of the Port of Zeebrugge’s 5G-ready, industrial-grade private wireless network deployment....

Focus on cyber security

Automated terminals need to address cyber security, not just for AGVs but the whole automation environment and architecture....

Yantai Huadong embraces automation

The number of automation projects in China represents an opportunity for software supplier Yantai Huadong to build its competence in this fi...

Tackling the landside crunch

SSA Marine is having success expanding the ‘free flow’ programme at its T-18 terminal in Seattle. Free flow enables motor carriers to wo...

Octopi TOS for Port of Belize

Navis continues to sign up new customers for its Octopi cloudbased TOS. The Port of Belize Ltd is the latest to sign a subscription for Octo...

Cargotec explores Navis sale options

Cargotec, which owns Kalmar and Navis, has announced that it “has decided to evaluate strategic alternatives for its Navis business to ide...

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