Modal shift moves up the agenda


The Sarkozy government has an ambitious plan to transfer road freight to the “triumvirate” of other modes - sea, rail and inland waterwa...

Fos-Lyon rail shuttle

More information is available about the new Lyon-Marseille/ Fos intermodal rail shuttle organised by Trimodal (see WorldCargo News February ...

Second terminal for Lyon

In just two years river barge container traffic over Lyon’s Edouard Herriot terminal has increased by 50% and will top 60,000 TEU this yea...

How to manage freight in the Alpine Arc

The Alps have always posed a problem for freight exchanges and things have been further complicated by the enlargement of the EU towards the...

Barcelona eyes Lyon

Barcelona port authority (APB) is studying the possibility of opening a new puerto seco outside the French city of Lyon, which would be simi...

Making the French connection

UK-based central Systems & Automation Ltd (CSA) has supplied another Autostore container terminal management system (CTMS), this time to the...

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