Global Ports to acquire NCC


Practically all Russia's container handling capacity in the Russian Baltic will be concentrated in Global Ports Investments' hands...

Shuffling aces in Russia’s pack

It looks as though Fesco wants to concentrate shipping and logistics operations over facilities on the Russian Far East. This is a dramatic ...

Vostochniy share swap

Russia’s Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has approved a share swap deal within DP World regarding the 25% stake the port operator has in Vostoc...

Equipment in place to deal with upturn

The second half of the current year has seen a “mass arrival” of new cranes in Russian and other post-Soviet ports, as orders placed las...

Sberbank moves into Global Ports

N-Trans group of companies and OOO Sberbank Capital announce the acquisition of 10% of shares of Global Ports (GPI) group by OOO Sberbank Ca...

EBRD buys stake in Globaltrans

Last year, the European Bank for the Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) acquired for US$49.55M a 3.2% stake in Globaltrans Investment (GI...

Lomonosov port deal

The Merchant Sea Port of Novorossiysk (NMTP) has signed a deal to acquire, for E77M, 50% of Lomonosov Cargo Terminal (LCT) from Frameno Ltd....

Container terminal for Gent

Initial capacity for a new shortsea/feeder container terminal in Gent is put at 150,000 TEU/year...

SST makes an N-Trans into MLT

N-Trans (National Transportation Group) - the new name for Severstaltrans Group (SST), has acquired a 50% stake in Multi-Link Terminals Ltd ...

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