Musical chairs in St Petersburg


Confirming earlier rumours (see WorldCargo News February 2007, p32), SeverStalTrans (SST) has announced the purchase from timber group Orimi...

Eurogate to take a count of ten


Since its inception in 1999 as a merger of BLG’s container handling activities in Bremerhaven (CTB) and Eurokai Hamburg (CTH), Eurogate ha...

East looks west, west looks east

The Supervisory Board of the Russian Far East Port of Vladivostock has accepted a partnership proposal from National Container Company (NCC)...

Eurogate in Ust-Luga

While Russia’s NCC National Container Company, co-owned by Severstaltrans and First Quantum, has acquired a 75 percent stake in the future...

Straddling the Russian world

Russian port operator Severstaltrans, an affiliate of giant steel maker Severstal, has formed a 50: 50 joint venture with oil trader First Q...