“Common gate” for Charleston


The South Carolina State Ports Authority (SPA) has introduced a single-gate operating system at all container terminals in the Port of Charl...

Planning for the New Panamax age


West coast ports have identified the need to address intermodal costs while the challenge in the East and Gulf is accommodating bigger vesse...

Charleston digs in

The South Carolina State Ports Authority (SCSPA) has called for bids for the first stage of construction of a new terminal at the former Nav...

People on the move

Some more newly-announced personnel changes in US and European ports...

Court boost for Charleston Navy terminal

The South Carolina Court of Appeals has upheld an Administrative Law Court order that dismissed challenges by the SC Coastal Conservation Le...

Charleston dredging deal

The US Department of the Interior will approve a “no cost, non-competitive lease,” allowing the South Carolina State Ports Authority (SC...