Paris barges under threat


Container barge traffic on the Seine between Le Havre, Rouen and the Port of Paris has made great strides in recent years, but the business ...

New Limay terminal operator


The Port of Paris Authority (PAP) has appointed an operating company for the new container barge terminal it is opening next month at Limay,...

Grand waterway scheme moves forward

For the first time since the 1960s, France is investing in a large scale, inland waterway project. Slated to be operational in 2015, the Sei...

Paris barge traffic surge

The Port of Paris Authority (PAP) reports that container barge traffic on the Seine between Le Havre and Paris Gennevilliers (and now Bonneu...

River ports gearing up

The Port of Paris Authority (PAP)'s 2002-2006 plan is worth E174 mill and includes E24 mill for property in the port area of Ile-de-France, ...

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