New lock for Terneuzen


Flemish minister Ben Weyts (Mobility and Public Works) and Dutch minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen (Infrastructure and Environmental Affai...

DFDS’ Körsnas deal

DFDS Tor Line has reached agreement in principle to take over the transport operation of Swedish paper shipper Korsnäs AB from its mill in ...

New lock for Terneuzen

The Port of Ghent says that the Flemish regional government and the Dutch government are ready to take a formal decision to construct a new ...

Dow takes a new approach \

Katoen Natie has launched a new concept in container terminals at the large Dow Chemical complex in the Dutch port of Terneuzen....

Feeling Flushed with success

The Westerschelde Container Terminal and other projects provide Zeeland Seaports with plenty to do......

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