Throughput dips at Los Angeles


The Port of Los Angeles saw its container numbers drop 5% in April - but import cargo from China has not fallen as steeply as might have bee...

PMA backs automation at LA Long Beach

Terminal automation can improve capacity, productivity, and get terminals “to a regulatory place that we need to be by 2030” says PMA Pr...

Oakland numbers take a tumble

Despite an 11% decrease in throughput in March, Oakland says it is poised for growth thanks to USDA incentives for exporters....

Everport upgrade completed

Project includes dredging and shore power upgrades at the Everport terminal in Los Angeles....

USDA to part fund export initiative

Federal funding is being made available to support logistics services, including trucking, to assist agricultural exporters....

Shore power issues for Oakland

The coronavirus pandemic and electrical grid issues in the summer heat prevented a large number of vessels from connecting to shore power at...