DB Schenker sale gets go-ahead
NewsThe Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG has mandated the Management Board to draw up and prepare the sale of up to 100% of DB Schenker AG
The much-troubled Lorry-Rail “rail motorway” intermodal service between Luxembourg (Bettembourg) and Perpignan (Le Boulou) appears to have turned the corner, and is beginning to attract more hauliers, mostly for unaccompanied traffic, on a regular basis.
Transalliance is still the only French customer, but Spanish firms make up 34% of the demand, followed by German hauliers (23%), Austrian (14%) and Dutch (13%) firms.
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This complete item is approximately 250 words in length, and appeared in the May 2009 issue of WorldCargo News, on page 18. To access this issue download the PDF here.
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