Three ZPMC STS cranes delivered to Port of Lamu
NewsThe cranes have a reach of 24 containers across and have been designed to tackle the challenges posed by windy conditions. Also, the KPA has ordered four RTGs.
The Kenyan government has announced that it intends to complete the new port at Lamu by 2011. The project is part of a wider scheme to develop agricultural land and an industrial zone around the Indian Ocean city, which Nairobi hopes to develop as an alternative hub to Mombasa.
The government of Qatar has signed an agreement to help develop the port on Lamu Island in exchange for a lease over 40,000 hectares of agricultural land. Such “investment for land” deals have proved popular with African governments over the past year, but have been controversial because of the impact on existing farmers and the transfer of prime arable land to foreign interests.
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This complete item is approximately 500 words in length, and appeared in the May 2009 issue of WorldCargo News, on page 13. To access this issue download the PDF here.
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