Setback for Rotterdam CER plans

In May, the Port of Rotterdam made the surprise announcement that the Container Exchange Route on the two Maasvlaktes will not see autonomou...

Autonomous trucks in Mawan

Mawan is testing several autonomous trucks, including a new machine that uses “digital perception radar” for navigation....

AIDrivers and SICK team up

AIDrivers & SICK will “collaborate on sensor intelligence for autonomous mobile platforms with a focus on improving sensor safety standard...

US platooning investment

US autonomous trucking provider Locomation has announced what it is calling “the first fleet purchase order for autonomous technology” i...

Autonomous truck shows up at DUSS in Ulm

An autonomous container truck is being tested at the DUSS combined transport terminal in Ulm, under the auspices of Germany’s ANITA projec...

Rotterdam CER tender makes a start

The ‘start configuration’ for the CER is for mixed autonomous and manned vehicles, but the port wants to move to fully autonomous drivin...

5G project under way

5G Blueprint is a Belgo-Dutch project with EU backing aimed at securing autonomous driving for both truck haul and ‘last mile’ collectio...

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