Duisport, China Merchants link-up


Duisburger Hafen AG and China Merchants Logistics Holdings Co Ltd, the logistics division of the China Merchants Group, have entered into a ...

Lithuania, China joint rail venture

Lithuanian Railways and China Merchants Group have established a joint venture company to handle freight transportation between Lithuania an...

Newcastle goes to Oz/China joint venture

A 98-year lease of the world’s largest coal port has been sold to Port of Newcastle Investments, a 50:50 joint venture formed by Australia...

…Chinese funds for Port of Bagamoyo

After several years of talks, the Chinese government has agreed to help fund the development of the Port of Bagamoyo, north of Dar es Salaam...

CMHI to expand Mawan terminal

Hong Kong-listed China Merchants Holdings International (CMHI) plans to invest much of the US$500 mill it is raising from asset sales in its...

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