Felixstowe strike update


Pressure is growing on both sides to settle this damaging dispute, as shippers worry about further action when the "peak" season is underway...

Lashings support for unions

Rotterdam city council has passed a motion calling on the city to pursue abolition of the Dockers’ Clause exemption for seafarers on ships...

ITF wants action over Jakarta

The anti-trade union stance in Indonesia’s ports industry is increasingly being taken up by dockworkers in other countries as an issue tha...

Dutch dockers rally over retirement age

On Thursday, 13th December, Rotterdam Maasvlakte will be the venue for the kick-off of a national campaign by the Dutch dockers’ union FNV...

Grimaldi signs for six hybrid ro-ros

Grimaldi signs for six hybrid ro-ros worth US$400M in China; Stena RoRo has signed a contract for newbuild for long-term charter to DFDS; P ...

Ovet strikes costly labour deal

Dutch transport trade union FNV Havens reports that a labour deal has been struck with dry bulk stevedores Ovet of Flushing (Vlissingen) and...

Unions raise stakes with Ovet

Dutch transport trade union FNV Havens has issued dry bulk stevedore Ovet, operating terminals in Vlissingen (Flushing) and Terneuzen, with ...

Dutch surveyors' dispute settled

SGS and FNV Havens have concluded a new collective labour agreement for the company’s cargo surveyors...

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