Boasso cleans up in Europe


Boasso Global, part of of Quality Distribution, Inc has acquired Den Hartogh’s European depot and tank cleaning services business...

Kramer for Rotterdam Cool port

Kramer Group is to build a 5.5-ha reefer service centre on the site of ECT’s former City (Home) Terminal along the Eemhaven basin...

ERS Railway to be restructured

A spokesperson has, however, denied Dutch and German reports that the company is facing outright closure...

Moerdijk-Piacenza rail shuttle

Italy's GTS Group is to offer a three pairs/week intermodal service between Piacenza and Moerdijk, for onward short sea distribution to the ...

Samskip in paper chase

Leading paper-based packaging Smurfit Kappa, Samskip and Dutch inland terminal operator BCTN Roermond (BCTN) have joined forces to shift car...

Cartel propensity worries Dutch watchdog

The Dutch anti-cartel body ACM (Autoriteit Consument & Markt) has expressed concern over the adherence to competition rules in the Dutch sea...

Rotterdam "1% down in 2016"

The Port of Rotterdam anticipates a 1% whole-year cargo volume decrease to around 461 Mt...