FMC probes chassis inspection

The US Federal Maritime Commission is investigating new chassis inspection procedures at some US West Coast ports. As part of the recent con...

What now for West Coast?

ILWU/PMA reach agreement on new contract, but it could be months before ports clear the backlog....

CP strike ends

Canadian rail strike lasts less than 24 hours - while President Obama sends Labour Secretary to the PMA/ILWU table...

PMA hints at lockout

The PMA goes close to saying latest “all-in” offer is as far as it will go to settle west coast contract dispute....

US West Coast heading to “Gridlock”

PMA warns ILWU work slowdowns “have continued to the point where many terminals are in peril of complete gridlock” despite a Federal Med...

ILWU agrees to mediation

After trying unsuccessfully to get shipping line leaders to the table, the ILWU has agreed to mediation in the long-running West Coast Contr...

ILWU trying to divide and conquer?

The ILWU has called for the lines and terminals represented on the PMA’s Board of directors to become directly involved in the fraught wes...

PMA calls for mediation

Terminal operators admit they are no closer to reaching agreement with the ILWU and call for mediation....

West Coast fight goes public

After months of negotiating behind closed doors the PMA has accused the ILWU of a starting a go-slow campaign in the Pacific Northwest to pr...

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