More for rolling road from Rail Cargo

ÖBB’s Rail Cargo group is introducing more RoLa services as an alternative to road trunking over the Brennersee, but not everyone is happ...

TransANT modular light weight wagon

RCA Rail Cargo Austria and steel manufacturer Voestalpine AG have developed TransANT, a modular light weight platform that can be customised...

Germany-Croatia intermodal

Rail Cargo Group, part of Austrian state railways company öBB, has started a regular block train service between the port of Rijeka and Lud...

New RCA transalpine services

Rail Cargo Austria, part of ŐBB, has recently launched new intermodal services to/from Italy...

Wilhelmshaven Enns link

JadeWeserPort is now linked to Austria with a trial intermodal rail service...

Italy-Russia on the rails

A new intermodal service has been started by Express-Interfracht Italia and Transcontainer...

Captrain increases frequency

The number of departures between France and Italy on behalf of Gefco has increased to 10-11/week...

Rail Cargo Austria restructures

Rail Cargo Austria (RCA), the affiliate of Austrian Railways (öBB), has reorganised its block train network. The new system is due to take ...

Strong interest in ICF divisions

There has been a flurry of interest in the operating divisions of Intercontainer-Interfrigo (ICF) since the company was put into liquidation...

Symeo for RCA terminals

Following a successful pilot at its Wels container hub, Rail Cargo Austria (RCA) is to fit all its container terminals with radio-based DGPS...

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