Making the case for Brunswick


The Port of Brunswick is poised to become the top auto and machinery port in the US, according to Georgia Ports Authority President and CEO ...

Helsinki commissions smart gates

The Port of Helsinki has commissioned automated “smart” gates at the ferry terminals in the West Harbour and Katajanokka Harbour...

New ro-ro terminal for Cagliari

A tender has been published for design and construction of a new €294-plus ro-ro terminal in the western outport of Porto Canale...

Automotive hub for Merseyside

Peel Ports Group has announced plans for a new £10M “Green Automotive Hub" ro-ro terminal on Queen Elizabeth II Dock at Eastham, within P...

New ro-ro terminal for Constantza

The Romanian government has signed an agreement with Dubai’s Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) and DP World to develop new i...

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