TSR plan for Japan


Russian Railways (RZD) is planning to operate regular container trains for Japanese export cargoes via the trans-Siberian railways to Europe...

GEFCO reports new deals

French forwarder GEFCO recently announced new contracts in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and China...

Summa in for Russian Troika?

It is reported that Russian Railways is considering selling its remaining stake in Russian Troika to Summa Group...

New port in Zarubino

Russia’s Summa Group is understood to have begun construction of a new harbour at Zarubino on Trinity Bay in the RFE, just 20 km from the ...

Russian rail containers set to grow

“The economic recovery is well underway and world output levels have improved notably. In April, the IMF’s World Economic Outlook projec...

Eurosib opposes monopoly

St Petersburg-based forwarding group Eurosib has accused RZD, the Russian state-owned railway, of trying to monopolise Russia’s fledgling ...

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