DP World innovates


Speaking at the TOC Americas conference in Lima, Peru last month, Gerard van den Heuvel, GM at DP World Callao, outl...

Macquarie’s Latin desire


Speaking at the recent TOC Americas conference in Peru, Heidi Boyd, vice president, infrastructure private equity, M...

Hatch cover platforms dispute

A dispute is brewing over a Chilean company’s patent and further patent applications for a “Hatch Cover Support Device” for STS gantry...

Oversupply in the Americas

Port capacity is too far ahead of economic growth and landside infrastructure in several Latin and South American countries....

Reefer charges on radar

Unable to successfully raise reefer rates, lines are putting pressure on terminal electricity and monitoring fees as they look to lower thei...

But will the shippers pay?

Two large reefer shippers represented at TOC Americas questioned the value of real-time reefer monitoring for their businesses. Allison Nowl...