Things generally looking up for box ports?


Container traffic at Italian ports brushed 9 mill TEU last year, plus 8.4 per cent on 2002 (see table). In the past four years traffic has grown on average by 11.2 per cent/year. The peak year for growth was 2000 (15.7 per cent), the trough year being 2001 (2.7 per cent). Further steady overall growth is expected this year.

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Things generally looking up for box ports? ‣ WorldCargo News

Things generally looking up for box ports?


Container traffic at Italian ports brushed 9 mill TEU last year, plus 8.4 per cent on 2002 (see table). In the past four years traffic has grown on average by 11.2 per cent/year. The peak year for growth was 2000 (15.7 per cent), the trough year being 2001 (2.7 per cent). Further steady overall growth is expected this year.

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